Friday, July 25, 2008

Anniversary Weekend

Scenes from Mackinac

More Anniversary Pics

5th Anniversary- Mackinac Island, MI

This year Andy and I celebrated our 5th Anniversary on July 5th in Michigan. We stayed at a little motel on the beach overlooking the bay and Mackinac Bridge, then on the 5th we took an early Ferry and spent the whole day on the Island. It's beautiful, there is a lot of history there, and other things to do such as visit the haunted house, a butterfly gardens, and various museums. We also rented bicycles, stopping to walk some trails and watch some ducks in the process. The food on the island is great, and Kilwin's Key Lime Pie Ice cream is the best! That evening we took the ferry back to Mackinaw City, where we had some locally caught whitefish for dinner, had a beer at The Keyhole, bought some fudge and taffy for those watching our dogs, then went to the town park to listen to a Bluegrass concert. It was an adventure, and such a great weekend! Best of all, I spent it with my best friend.