Friday, November 14, 2008

More pictures from Wednesday

I LOVE these babies!!

An Amazing Family!!

This past wednesday I reconnected with a dear friend from College. She and her husband are an amazing couple and have just adopted twins from Ethiopia. They are such beautiful, sweet and joyful babies! It was an honor to spend the day getting to know them!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Fall in Michigan

Kara, Scott and Gammon, my in-laws

Kara is such a beautiful mother! I kept the picture of her alone dark. I really liked how the light came thru the trees abover her head.

It reminded me of old paintings where they depicted women like Mary, highlighting the miracle of childbirth.

My brother and Sister in-law and nephew, the first week of October.

Beautiful Fall day on the river.

Dawn, Jeremy, and Aiden, my husband's cousins.

I just love photographing expressive moments. Here's a guy who enjoys a good book!

Dawn and Jeremy are expecting at the end of Dec./Beginning of Jan. I liked this picture especially.

He's so Photogenic, wether smiling or not! He's at the perfect age for picture taking!

My mother and father-in-law at their farm the first week in October.
Along with them is my adorable nephew Gammon!